Campus Involvement
Baylor University, a nationally ranked research institution with a focus on both academics and Christian faith, is also a thriving campus where students, staff, and faculty alike can experience belonging within many communities and through many programs.
Let us hear your voice. Help us tell the story of our #baylorfamily.
Beyond participating in the groups above, there are other ways to share your story with our community. You can voice your prayers across campus at chalkboard prayer walls located at the Bobo and the SUB, the BU Prayer Wall, and at the Bobo Chapel or Elliston Chapel.
Active Citizenship
Learn about ways to be actively involved in your local community.
Better Together BU
Better Together BU is a departmental program focused on religious diversity and cultural humility. This group is part of a national network of campuses and universities that are passionate about religious and interfaith literacy, sharing their stories, working together to solve global issues, and becoming better leaders and citizens. As part of Baylor Formation in the Office of Spiritual Life, this group models the Formation departmental values of Christian hospitality, responsibility, vocation and depth.
Global Baylor
The Center for Global Engagement seeks to coordinate and facilitate the efforts of individuals and groups throughout the campus to transform the world through international travel, research, and study, through the development of greater cultural competency and understanding, and through support for an increasingly diverse campus community.
Campus Communities
Learn about ways to be involved as part of one of Baylor's many campus communities.
THIS Matters
THIS Matters forums offer a series of discussion panels connecting leaders from diverse perspectives to offer context to society's most challenging questions. We attempt to address immediate, unanticipated or unprecedented issues that occur locally and globally, directly and indirectly affecting our campus community. We strive to provide a safe space for students, faculty, staff and members of the community to share ideas and enrich each other’s understanding of the topic. We do not attempt to provide solutions to complex issues or speak on behalf of University officials; instead, we create opportunities to promote dialogue and critical thinking as we further engage with difficult topics.
Find events across many departments on campus that offer opportunities to get involved, to share stories, to build strong social ties, to serve our diverse world.