Gilbert and Walker Statues
Faculty Diversity and Belonging
The Baylor community is fully committed to nurturing an environment for knowing, being, and doing across campus where people of all backgrounds can come together - because we know that together we are stronger.
Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
Baylor seeks to embody Christ’s teachings of love and inclusivity across boundaries of racial, ethnic, gender, socio-economic, religious, and other expressions of human difference.
Developing Cultural Humility
Cultural humility is an integral part of intercultural competency and the ability to nurture a caring and healthy environment of diversity through an attitude of multiculturalism.
Human Sexuality at Baylor University
Baylor University is committed to providing a caring, loving and supportive community for students in all aspects of their lives, including the development of their sexuality.
Baylor policies related to civil rights, sexual and gender-based harassment, non-discrimination, and ADA.
Commission on Historic Campus Representations
The Commission faithfully fulfilled their charge to review the historical record and context of the University and its early leaders and to evaluate and offer guidance regarding all statues, monuments, buildings and other aspects of the campus within this context.
Land Acknowledgement
Diversity Updates
News and updates related to diversity and inclusion at Baylor University.